Mr. Regan
Parents, Students, Supporters, and Friends of St Mary’s Catholic School-
On behalf of the staff, I would like to say Hello and Welcome! We are well into a great school year, and we could not be happier with the participation and achievements of our students- both academically and spiritually. We have a special group in the building this year! Our theme for the school year is “Nunc Coepi”… which is Latin for “Now I Begin.” These are the famous words of Blessed Bruno Lanteri, and they are meant to be an inspiration for us to start over, to start new, to begin again- each moment, each hour, each day. A wonderful priest once told me in confession, “The difference between a sinner and a saint is that a saint gets up one more time.” Indeed it is so. So let us glorify God’s mercy and love by renewing our commitment to Him and to the holy life- each day and after each success or failure. We want to teach our kids that failure is never final! WE FAIL FORWARD!! And we trust in God’s help and his divine providence to use our struggles to make us the saints that we were all born to be!!
It is my great honor to serve as the Principal at St Mary’s. This place is incredible! I have one child in our school, and my two oldest daughters were here for seven years before moving on to FSMS. But it is only since being inside the building every day that I have come to understand just how special St Mary’s Catholic School really is. We are blessed with world-class teachers and a faith community that has made the Catholic education of our children the first priority of the parish. Deo Gratias!
Please do not every hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns, and most importantly- Please Pray For Us! Ask our Blessed Mother to protect and guide her school, and ask God to grant us the grace to form disciples of Jesus Christ that aspire to be saints! We will be praying for all of you in the meantime. May God Bless you all!
Peace Be With You,
Josh Regan