At St Mary’s Catholic School, we believe that the mission of all Catholics is to strive for sainthood!  There are many parts to this, but our staff’s most important job is to model the struggle for sainthood daily, and show students the true Joy that comes by the Grace of God, given to those who are his disciples.  As the youngsters say, “Don’t just talk about it.  Be about it!!”  Our love for Jesus Christ permeates all that we do, and so, therefore, does our love for our students.  St John Bosco said, “In every young person, a point of goodness is accessible, and it is the primary duty of the educator to discover that sensitive cord of the heart so as to draw out the best in the young person.”

Love for God equates to Love of neighbor.  We engage in a number of service activities and projects to provide experiential learning opportunities for our students, that they may see the blessings and graces that flow from doing for others.